
Vietnamese eating habits that will take you by surprise

One of the best ways to know about Vietnam is through their food. Whether you’re visiting Vietnam or trying their cuisine, it will have a huge impact on how you perceive the nation. It is not only about using chopsticks but much more.

The journey is far more exciting and can prove to be extremely beneficial. It is advisable that you know the place, their food, their culture and more. Sometimes, it can turn out to be better than expected.

The major eating habits of Vietnam that everyone must know about include the following:

The three major meals of Vietnam

You must know that Vietnam follows the rule of three major foods. The three major meals include lunch, dinner and breakfast. However, you must know that there is no fixed time for the consumption of these. The time for the consumption of three major meals will vary depending on the region.

One of the major components of all the meals of Vietnam is rice. Whether it’s lunch, dinner or breakfast, almost everyone wants to consume rice in Vietnamese culture. It is the culture where everyone gathers around the dinner table and discusses food.

The concept of dining table

While it may be exciting to order in, you may want to know Vietnamese reality too. If you travel to the remote villages of Vietnam, you will become aware of the concept of a dining table. Dining tables are not popular here. In this region it is believed that only the rich people can use it.

The concept of the dining table in Vietnam will be different from the rest of the table. Many households have homemade dining tables. They will make tables using bamboo or stone. They may also use a bamboo bed to display the food. According to them, either way, it helps to bring out the true beauty of the food.

Steaming, frying and stewing are common methods

The Vietnamese people usually adopt three major methods for cooking food. They will either stew, steam or fry. What method they use for cooking a food completely depends on the dish they are making.

Rice being a staple dish is one of the major requirements across all the meals. The locals usually prefer having steamed rice. However, for breakfast purposes, they prefer eating sticky rice.

Eating is about sharing

In Vietnam, eating is about sharing. Often the food may be served in a bowl with an aim of allowing people to share it. The elders may need to share their food with the youth to show their love and care. It is said that the sense of sharing a meal helps to develop value and compassion in individuals.

No strict eating rituals

Contrary to popular belief, there are no strict rules for eating rituals. They don’t come under any rules or rituals that you need to follow. You can enjoy Vietnamese food in any way you like.

With the popularity of Vietnamese food growing, why don’t you consider trying it? Express Lane can help you get Vietnamese delivery in no time thereby allowing you to try delicious food. Make sure to order in or visit the restaurant to enjoy the food at its best.